Lana's Shop

Aug 09

DIY Gift Wrap Storage Cart

Looking for a convenient and organized way to store your wrapping paper supplies? You will love having a gift wrap cart! 

A gift wrap cart is a convenient and efficient way to store and organize all of your gift wrapping supplies in one place. It also makes it easy to move your supplies around your home, so you can wrap gifts wherever you want.

Here's how to make your own gift wrap cart:

Materials Needed:

1. A rolling cart: I used this one from The Container Store. I like that it was wide enough for the gift wrap rolls to lay flat in. 

wrapping paper storage cart

2. 3M hooks: I used these medium sized clear ones. I added one hook on each side of top shelf to hang gift bags from. 

3m hooks for storage cart

3. Storage Trays: We used a set of these mint plastic storage trays from Target.  I like that they are open and have a pop of color. 

storage trays for storage cart

4. Wrapping supplies: This is the fun part! We used the trays to separate out our gift tags, tape, and ribbons supplies. We then use the middle to store our wrapping paper rolls. The bottom rack we used to store gift boxes and tissue paper. Lastly, we use the 3M hooks to hang gift bags.  

wrapping paper storage cart organization

A DIY gift wrap cart is an easy and inexpensive way to store and organize all of your gift wrapping supplies. It also makes it easy to move your supplies around your home, so you can wrap gifts wherever you want. With just a few materials and a little bit of time, you can make your own gift wrap cart and enjoy stress-free gift wrapping during the holiday season and beyond.

gift wrap storage cart

And if you are looking for some gift wrap, here are a few of our favorites wrapping paper options: 

This was our number one best-selling wrapping paper last year! Love these festive little otters so much!

Holiday Otter Gift Wrap

otter wrapping paper in christmas outfits

This woodland animals dressed in Christmas attire is another favorite!

Christmas Forest Friends Gift Wrap


Another popular option is this cute holiday dinosaur wrapping paper. 

Festive Dino Gift Wrap


Check out the rest of our gift wrap here.

And if you liked this post, you might also enjoy this one: Greeting Card Organizer DIY

Happy organizing,





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