Apr 18
What to write in a Mother's Day Card
You have the card for the mother(s) in your life....
Now, what to write inside?
I know it takes something to write that special message, but, as a mom, I can tell you that a few words of love and appreciation go SUCH a really long way. So set aside time, to put pen to paper, and fill out that card.
For me, a quiet afternoon alone, or breakfast in bed, or flowers are wonderful…yet often, the words on a card, saying that I am loved and doing a great job, are what most touch my heart.
Sometimes getting started can be tricky, so I asked my friend Gina, author of the book I Want to Thank You to help.
After Gina's journey of writing one thank you note per day for a year, she knows a thing or two about thank you card writing.
Below are some Mother’s Day starters she suggested:
Feel free to use one or all of them to get you going. You got this!
Dear Mom,
Thank you for always being so___. Like that time when I was a kid and you___. You always make me feel so___.
I love you!

Dear Mom,
I’ve been thinking so much about ______. I can’t get over the way you____. It really shows what a ____.
I love you!

Dear Mom,
You’re not only a GREAT mom, but a ____ mom. ________ comes immediately to mind. Another example:______. Ha! I’m so lucky you’re my mom!
I love you!
Dear Mom,
I always knew you’d be a ____ grandparent, because you are a ___ mom. But you really outdid yourself by _____. Not to mention_____. How lucky are we all to have you? Very!
I love you!
And remember, anything true from the heart, will be adored!!!
If you're still looking for Mother's Day cards, here are some of our favorites:
We really love this First Mother's Day Card for new moms. We also love this Mother's Day card for a new mom from a friend.
Check out all of our Mother's Day card options here.
We hope you found these ideas helpful!
Thank you Gina! Gina's book would also make a great Mother's Day gift!